Tiktok Money Calculator

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Calculate the price of your Tiktok account

Do you often wonder “How much does my Tiktok account cost?” or do you just want to know how much your favorite influencer earns on Tiktok? Anotherfollower is proud to present you our Tiktok account calculator tool! This tool will allow you to know the price of a Tiktok post for any user. You will also be able to get many statistics and compare your account with the one of your choice!

How to calculate the price of your Tiktok account

How to monetize your Tiktok account?

With nearly a billion users, Tiktok has become the social network where many opportunities are available to you. Some influencers have really changed their lives thanks to Tiktok like khaby lame who became world famous.

We will give you 10 tips to make money with TikTok:

Get sponsored partnerships with brands

Get sponsored on Tiktok

When we talk about monetization on social networks, sponsored partnerships are the first thing we think of. Although this practice is widespread, it is not always easy to make money on Tiktok with this method.
An influencer who starts on Tiktok can have difficulties to find partner companies. He will not be very well known and generally, brands go through influencers already well established on Tiktok. He will therefore have to do some canvassing to attract companies or go through an agency. However, this is not always the best method because they will take a commission on their product placement on Tiktok which will considerably reduce their margin.
One of the solutions for a micro-influencer who wants to make money on Tiktok will be to specialize.

By choosing a niche, it will be easier to become a reference and a key player in that community. Companies that want to target this niche will therefore contact you more easily. However, this requires to create a real community very engaged around your Tiktok account. In any case, it can be interesting to know how much my Tiktok account is worth in order to have an estimation of the price of the post.

Earning money on Tiktok by getting donations from your audience

Earning money on Tiktok

Tiktok has recently implemented a system to earn money on the social network. Each user can buy Tiktok Coins directly on the platform. 65 Coins have an approximate value of 1 euro.
When you start a live chat on Tiktok, your community and all other users will be able to offer you virtual gifts. These gifts are purchased in Coins directly by Tiktok users. You have the possibility to resell these gifts on Paypal which will allow you to monetize your Tiktok account in an indirect way.
However, to be able to launch a live on Tiktok, you must have 1000 followers on the social network.
For more information on this technique, please visit this page.

Become eligible for the creator fund

Tiktok creator Fund

Tiktok like other social networks has set up a fund dedicated to creators. This fund holds more than 280 million euros, its main objective is to remunerate the creators. This remuneration depends mainly on the number of views, the number of interactions on these videos, the number of shares and other criteria much more opaque.

How to become eligible to the Tiktok fund for creators?

There are several criteria to consider to be eligible for the Tiktok Creator Fund:

  1. You must have at least 10 000 followers on your Tiktok account ;
  2. You must be located in France, Italy, Germany or the UK ;
  3. Be of age ;
  4. Have a professional Tiktok account ;
  5. Create unique and authentic content, i.e. accounts that only repost are not eligible ;
  6. Have over 100,000 views in the last 30 days on your videos.

How to apply for this creative fund?

How to apply for tiktok creator fund?

  1. Log in to your Tiktok application
  2. Go to the “Section” section in the upper right corner
  3. Go to “Settings”, “Privacy” and then “Company Account
  4. Click on Tiktok Creator Fund

Monetize your tiktok account by selling your own products

Monetize your tiktok account by selling your own products

Most of the time, when we talk about money on Tiktok, partnerships with brands immediately come to mind.
However, few influencers think about promoting their own products. This allows them to have higher margins but also to control the products they promote.

Some Tiktokeur have taken advantage of the dropshipping boom to launch their online business. The main advantage of this method is that you don’t have to manage stocks and shipping. However, you have to be very careful when you want to start this business. The latest scandals revealed that the products used in dropshipping were mainly from China and their quality was sometimes very poor. In addition, many customers have complained that they never received their orders.
If you market Chinese products, you risk losing credibility with your audience. To avoid this, one solution could be to do some branding by reworking your product’s packaging and creating a new brand. Moreover, many European dropshipment platforms have developed. Even if the price will be higher, the products will be of better quality, the packaging will be European and the delivery time will be considerably reduced.

Nevertheless, if you really want to differentiate yourself from your competitors, the best method is to create your own products. Niche and handcrafted products are very trendy right now and by creating them yourself, you will be able to differentiate yourself more easily and get a higher quality product.

Earning money on Tiktok by becoming a consultant

Earning money on Tiktok by becoming a consultant

As explained before, Tiktok has become an essential social network for businesses. Keep in mind, however, that this is a very new and special platform. Tiktok content is different from any other content. Tiktok represents a real virgin land for businesses to conquer. But most people in companies don’t know the codes.

Showcase your experience on this network and sell your services to different brands by helping them build their marketing strategy.
Pricing a Tiktok account will also be useful to highlight your expertise on the social network.

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